Articles on: FAQs

Where do I find recording on my device?

We save a copy on your device just in case the network interrupts or there's any other problem as a backup.

The copy on the device is higher quality than the one you download.

Finding recording on an iPhone or iPad

The event recording is saved to "Photos" gallery on iPhone or iPad.

In some cases, if the app can not copy the recording to "Photos" it can be found in "Files" => "On My iPhone" => EventLive

Finding recording on an Android smartphone or tablet

In most cases recording can be found in "Gallery".

If the app couldn't copy the recording to "Gallery" it can be found in "My Files" (Or "File Browser") => Internal Storage => Android => data => pro.eventlive => files => Movies => EventLive

For newer Android versions:
If you don't see the video saved in your videos library, please follow the instructions below:

You will need to download a separate app (it will allow you to access "hidden" files on the phone)

Once the app is installed, please open it and choose "Android" folder.

"data" folder
Next find: "pro.eventlive" folder
"files" folder
"Movies" folder
"EventLive" folder
You should see the video files in that folder and the recording should be there.

Copying the recording to your computer

iPhone or iPad with Mac: Plug in your device to your mac and open it in Finder. Look for "Applications" tab and choose "EventLive".
iPhone or iPad with Windows: Plug in your device and open it in iTunes. Choose "File Sharing", Apps => EventLive. Copy the file to your computer.
Android with Mac: Download Android File Transfer App. Navigate to Android > data > pro.eventlive > files > Movies > EventLive
Android with Windows: Plug in your Android device to your computer and navigate to PC\Your Phone\Phone\Android\data\pro.eventlive\files\Movies\EventLive

Backup your recording

We save your wedding video replay for at least a year on our servers. You should download your video and back it up by:

If you're using Apple iCloud, the video should be backed up to the iCloud automatically by your phone.
If you're using Google One to store photos make sure to back it up to Google Drive.
Save the video to your Dropbox account
Save to a USB stick and put in a safe place

Uploading recording to EventLive

How to upload event recording to EventLive

Updated on: 18/01/2022