Adding slideshow / intro video to the event link
You can add a slideshow or pre-recorded intro video to your event page. Please go to our broadcaster console, click on your event and choose Upload Video option. The video will be uploaded directly to your event page. Once you go LIVE, the slideshow / intro video will be replaced by the livestream video automatically. Please note, that the final video will only include the live stream and will NOT include the slideshow / pre-recorded video. (https:/Few readersCustomize your event URL link
There are two ways to change your Event Link within EventLive. You can make these changes within the App, or using the Broadcaster. Let's see the different options you have: Change your Event Link when Creating an Event When Scheduling an Event, simply type the Event Name and see how the Custom Link changes. If you're not happy with the current URL, you can tap on it and modify it. change your live stFew readersPrivacy settings of your event
There are different privacy settings available for your live stream with EventLive platform. To customize your event privacy settings, please login to Broadcaster console, click on your event and then choose Privacy Settings tab. PRIVACY Only people with the link can watch - Anyone who has the link, can access and watch the live stream eFew readersReschedule / Change the date
Open EventLive app on your phone or sign in on the web: Change the dateFew readers